Monday, June 2, 2008

Chucky Lightyear

Imagine it's 12:30 at night and you need a title for your blog post. You're also thinking about how hard it is to invent character names on the spot, which we had to do twice this weekend. All of a sudden, you wish you had thought of "Chucky Lightyear" sooner. Not that we would have used it or anything.

This post is starting well.

Today we finished up at the Rendezvous, and they were again very helpful and friendly. We went through the various elements of the fight sequence and I think Connie went home in one piece, as did I. Here she is preparing. I'm anxious to see the footage, because once she got warmed up she brought out the mean look which was really quite impressive.

We also took care of General Branson's backstage forays, seen here in a less fruitful moment.

After finishing the club sequences, we got a break. Sort of anyway, since Susan and I crossed the great water to pick up the bounty hunter van. Then we picked up again for the external club sequences. These were Demone's last scenes on the film, so it will be weird that he's not coming around anymore. Most people come out for a weekend, but he has been there really since the beginning.

We ended up being slightly rushed since the security guy was locking up. We probably could have stayed, but the Parks folks have been so nice to us we didn't want to hassle them. We got what we needed but we had to just toss gear into cars and haul out of there. Mike stayed behind to blow up the bridge to make sure we got clear. Thanks, Mike.

Finally, I wanted to share something that Scot sent me in response to my last blog posting. It's another moment of candor from Captain Picard, and it's quite extraordinary.
It uses a bit of an old joke, but the details of the writing really make it into something worthwhile, along with the impeccable craftsmanship of Herr Stewart. The other guy plays it well too.

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