Monday, October 5, 2009

Actor on the Office!

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to pass the word that one of Kennyboy's fine actors will be appearing on the Office on October 8. I hope everyone will watch and keep an eye out for Ken Kreps!

I am now firmly ensconced in a new city, but the movie is still being worked on. Hope to have some more information soon.


Paul Eenhoorn said...

The days dwindle down to a precious few..........

Paul Eenhoorn said...

Hi Guys, I could use some footage for my reel. Wasn't that the deal?? Two months with no news leads me to believe this film is dead in the water. How about you hold up your end and at least look after the poeple who put time into this.

Unknown said...

Believe me this film is NOT dead in the water. Unfortunately the b-roll team does not have blogging rights or you would see that.
It is true that things are moving slowly, but they are moving. As some one deeply involved in this movie I can say that the only end to this project will involve a red carpet and lights and will not involve death and water.